
Our Database is a comprehensive and robust information hub that serves as a valuable resource for our Network in solving problems and advancing their projects.

It is a central repository where our members can access a vast amount of data and knowledge gathered from various sources, including General Meetings, Expert talks, and essential information about cultural differences in Africa and travel expedition preparation.

One of the key segments of our Database is the Projects section, which provides detailed information about the projects within our Network. Members can access data on what these projects are doing, their operating locations, project types, project members, contact personalities, and how UP supports them. This wealth of information allows our members to gain insights into the projects, understand their impact, and identify opportunities for collaboration and support.

Another crucial segment of our Database is the Local & International Associations section. Here, our members can explore the network of local and international associations that UP collaborates with. This includes information about their contact details, roles, and how they can contribute to accelerating projects to the next level. These associations serve as valuable resources for our members, providing them with access to expertise, knowledge, and networks that can help them advance their projects and achieve their goals.

The third segment of our Database features Experts, who are essential assets in our Network. These experts bring in their extensive experience, knowledge, and skills, providing valuable guidance and insights to our members. Through information exchange, mentoring, and advice, these experts play a pivotal role in helping our members navigate the challenges and opportunities of working in Uganda and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Overall, UP’s Database is a comprehensive and powerful tool that serves as a treasure trove of information, connections, and resources for our Network. It is a key component of UP’s commitment to supporting and empowering our members in their projects, providing them with the tools and knowledge needed for success.

How to Join us

How to Join our Network?

Joining our Network is super easy, all you have to do is sign uo and fill out join profile information.

1. Sign Up

To sign up in our Network you just have to decide which role you want to play

2. Complete your Profile

The next step is filling out your profile information so that everyone can see what you do and what you need

Benefits of joining our Network

We are still growing  so if our Network doesn’t provide what you are looking for feel free to reach out to so we can see how we can help you.

Join the Network and grow your Organisation